All except this one! Finally, after banging on for 18 months about wanting a wee garden, I have finally pulled out my (green) thumb. Last weekend at the markets we came across a herb seller, and really there was no excuse but to invest. I picked out some window boxes and up they went!
They make my rather prison like house a bit more homely...or maybe they just emphasise the bars! (incidentally I am delighted that it's prison like. I am super terrified of being kidnapped - because of my fabulous wealth and influence, you know - and this way I feel a bit more secure about miscellaneous Marrickville thugs breaking in.)
I've gone with tarragon, parsley, thyme, two lots of basil and rosemary. I actually get no sun whatsoever on my stoop (word on the street is herbs are all about the sun) but so far and no deaths (touch wood). I rather fancy myself quite the Jamie Durie. I'm not entirely sure this counts as a reno but it's definitely home improvement (until said Marrickville thugs snack on them all out of frustration at my impenetrable fortress).