Synopsis of last two months, in ranking order of funness:
1. Tim has moved in, bought in, and buying in to number 2;
2. buying my grandparent's property in the heavenly Barossa. Words can't express how much this means to me;
3. a few dreamy holidays, in particular said Barossa, where we sat of an evening after harvesting the fig tree making bottles of '5 year figs', fig jam and stewed apples while drinking local grenache; and
4. that's it - everything else fits in to the work category, really!
We also had the post-Vanuatu-theft insurance claim come through, which resulted in lots of post-Vanuatu-theft purchasing. One of these includes a new camera, which is water and shock proof, as I am a rather clumsy lady. It does this:
Panorama photos, if you do the 'hold camera and rotate while snapping' move. As you can see on the right it doesn't align that well on the first attempt!
It also does an 'indoor' setting, which shows a whole lot of very preppy looking people having a very lame party (I love streamers and party hats, but only in conjunction with ample champers, and the picture on the camera setting only shows the first two. I don't trust them sans the latter). However it did make me get sentimental and attempt to take indoor style photos of the house now Tim's in it. The main features he brings (coffee machine, record player and ample vinyl) and the skills he has (built-in making and general rearranging) aren't captured, but you get the drift!
What is still bloody doesn't do is just turn my photos around! Gah!
This week is a bit of a big 'un. My congraduations on Thursday, which means a road trip to Wagga. There is an option called 'Town and Gown' - graduands can opt to continue wearing their capes, travel from the uni to the town centre, and walk down the main street in full regalia with 'local dignitaries'. I think this means anyone from the council who isn't liquored already. I'm not taking part, but I am looking forward to watching from the sidelines from the safety of a pub! Then two weddings - one on Saturday, one the following busy times continue. Tim is also super unwell post Singapore work trip this week (I had forgotten how dreadfully funny sick men are. Like, nobody ever before. Heavens.), so hopefully that'll be taken care of prior to the trip.
Big storm brewing outside (apparently Sydney has loads of blackouts) so I am going to take my wine glass and sit on my stoop and watch it roll in. Night!