The Congraduations went well, as far as these things do. The ceremony could not have been more dull, especially as I was quite early on. If I wasn't sitting right at the front next to the security guards I would have legged it after walking across the stage. As it was I stuck it out to the bitter end, to find afterwards that the refreshments I was dreaming of were sadly of the non alcoholic variety.
To remedy this, we (Tim, J and her squeeze GSquared) went for a boozy lunch at the Three Chefs (maybe it was called that? Some number of chefs, anyway), one of Wagga's better restaurants. I can't remember what I ate but I did drink adequately. We then followed a boozy lunch with a boozy dinner at the Magpie's Nest - another lovely Wagga restaurant set a wee bit out of town. It overlooks the city and we were there at sunset to watch the sun go down and the lights come up.

I remember what I ate here cos we'd joked about ordering the most elaborately named dish on the menu (while the food is great the descriptions are rather preposterous). I had the duck, and while I can't remember exactly how it was written about I seem to recall it taking four lines. It was heavenly though. I also remember some rather lovely flavoured bread.
Next stop was Bowral, for a wedding of a friend from school. Tim took some rather lovely snaps on his camera - this is just one of the night before the wedding in the misty highlands. The venue was phenomenal - gorgeous old estate with manicured gardens, lots of which would surprise you as you turned a corner. Just breathtaking.

The other wedding was a beach number at Balmoral and was just as lovely but completely different. I actually have no snaps of that one at all - once again Tim was mega photographer and I held the job of Chief Wine Drinker (actually that's not true; Tim took that one too!).
After Easter I've just been taking it easy and trying to catch up on work, sleep and play. We went for an autumn walk around The Bay last week - although it resulted in blisters for both of us (stupid old converse trainers) it was lovely.

Naturally Tim took these. Punk.