The markets were fun. I sampled more meat products than a girl should before 9am. I didn't buy loads (can't be trusted with tasty cheese or small goods while living alone!) but we agreed it would be perfect for gathering picnic or platter supplies. I did, however, get lured in by some quinces as the idea of poaching them to have on hot porridge for breakfast was just irresistible. They're on the stove now, bubbling away with cloves and cinnamon (and a scary amount of sugar).
After that, Jacs, Loz and I headed out to Flemington markets. These are the opposite of Pyrmont glam. Crowded, fairly skanky, loads of produce laid out in boxes, the obligatory yells by various purveyors ('Watermelon, one dollar! Watermelon!', 'Who needs potatoes and onions? Don't be shy!' - a dude actually yelled this at us. The answer, of course, is that 'I do! I need potatoes and onions!') and an unbelievable mix of cultures. Although not perhaps the best produce to be found in Sydney, it certainly ranks up there as the cheapest, and as a singly lady who likes a varied diet, it certainly ticks my boxes! For $15 I walked away with a whopping bag filled with all the fruit and veg that I like to eat, and some that I'm not sure about (such as some of the scarier looking mushroom varieties). But at that price, I can afford to experiment!
One thing I did walk away with was a bag of super ripe, rich red tomatoes. Now, I'm not a huge fresh tommy tomato fan. But I'd seen this recipe that I really wanted to try - it's from a blog I read praising this Italian bird, Marcella Hazan (apparently Italian cook, quite famous in the States it would seem) (I am obviously poorly culinarily educated!). And it sounded good. And, it really really is. Unbelievably good. Like, lick bowl good. Eat rest of sauce by itself good...which I didn't do but goodness, it was close. This is the perfect sauce! I can see me eating it, and only it, for a solid fortnight. I am also so excited about using to to make other equally delicious sauces (Puttanesca! Just olives! Tuna! Heavens!). Anyhoo, here is the recipe, as I made it. Thank you, Marcella, whoever you are.
* 5 really fresh delicious tomatoes, skinned and chopped (the recipe actually asks for 2 cans of the best Italian tomatoes. I halved the recipe and used fresh, just cos I had them. I'll make it again, for sure, with the canned ones)(and probably twice the recipe, cos I could eat loads more of it!).
* 2.5 tablespoons of butter. Hurrah!
* Half an onion, peeled - not chopped, just halved. No more tears!
* pinch o' salt
I also added half a carrot, not chopped, cos I'd read that this was a winner for sweetness.
Basically, whack it in a saucepan, simmer slowly for about 45 mins (well, I had to go longer as the tomatoes were fresh - about an hour) and then when it's done, discard the onion (or keep it, I did, and will use it for something or other) (also chuck carrot if you used), and then spoon over pasta and enjoy!
(Incidentally, went to a fab Korean place last night, Madang, with Sarah. Very back-alley-Melbourne-stylie. Sat outside and ate a great seafood pancake and a steam boat - we had pork, which came with rice noodles, rice cakes and about 5 different types of mushies....probably why I was so keen to get some today! Also, everyone bar us seemed to be drinking a red liquid out of small round bottles. I asked our neighbour what it was - raspberry sake! He poured us a glass and I tell ya, next time I'm all about it! I guess it's our own fault for ignoring the 'Korean wine' list!).
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