The next morning J, my sister, and I decided we were going to hit the road and head away from Wagga for the night. We did a radius search for towns about two and a half hours away and decided on Corryong, a small town in Victoria. Corryong is apparently the town from which 'The Man From Snowy River' hailed. However there is some speculation (as a man in the local club told us...when I asked what he thought the truth was he replied that he didn't really care. God love you, George!) - apparently the guy who may be Mr Snowy River had met Banjo Patterson once at least, but so had several other likely sorts at the same time. Sounds like a mystery for the sisters to solve...and by solve, I mean drink to!

Because that's pretty much what the evening held! We stopped at a winery on the way there (with the world's drunkest tasting lady - 'one for the customer, ten bottles for me' was her motto) and bought a rather nice Pinot. Having got a taste for wine, we checked ourselves into the one pub in Corryong that offered rooms (the Courthouse) on it. After a bottle of wine and a conversation with a rather simple bar boy, we heard the club was the place to see and be seen, so we headed there. Another wine or so and we'd met a few locals, heard a few rumours (about said simple pub boy!) and decided to head out for dinner to 'The Bottom Pub'. On the way through we stopped for a 1-2-3 game (J yelled mixer, I yelled spirit - tequila and fanta we drank!) and managed to win ourselves a bottle of wine on the raffles. Dinner was a...blurry affair, during which we regained our stamina, and headed back to our own party pub.

1-2-3 Tequila and Fanta!
Back at party pub, we found that we were the only ladies, and would be all evening. We cashed in on our bottle of wine and started a darts game. With an old guy and young bar boy. Which we cheated at - although I did get a spectacular bull's eye, if I do talk it up myself! The night then progressed into: spending lots of money on the jukebox (country songs only in honour of our location. I swear I will never play Kenny Rogers or Leanne Rymes again), hanging out with our new found old friends, dancing with 'tally' (who was, unsurprisingly, tall), and laughing at J attacking the town's one policeman and yelling 'arrest me, arrest me'. At the end of the night I was bought a drink by 'youngy', whom we'd not spoken to all night. The 1-2-3 game gave us rum and raspberry. I'd half drank mine, turned around, and he;d taken it back and finished it! Country hospitality my arse. The evening ended by the various groups wanting us to party on down with them but us politely declining and retiring to our quarters where we giggled ourselves to sleep!

Darts through drunken eyes
The following day we headed back to Wagga (only after investigating the grave of The Man, which was located in a beautiful old cemetry that looked out over the hills. On the clear crisp morning it was gorgeous) and, well, did it all again! We met up with a few friends, had dinner with our folks, and then went out and I'm afraid to say played 1-2-3 all night, in different variations. The highlights were a Baileys on ice (lucky; that could have been horrid!), and the low lights...well these were most of the drinks! A tequila and pineapple, a gin and coke, a butterscotch schnapps and something...anyway, we partied until dawn and had a fabulous night.
Although clearly it was based around drinking and this 1-2-3 game (incidentally, a game I'm proud to say J and I made up, which has taken at least one person by storm!), the weekend was just tops. I don't spend nearly enough time with my sister (hard when you're 600 odd kilometers apart!) and this reminded me of all the reasons I adore her and her company. Fortunately, whilst 1-2-3-ing we drunkenly booked several more holidays watch out Radelaide and Darwin!!
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