Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday project number one - herb garden

The silly season - my best time of year - has just kicked off in earnest and as a result I am constantly hung over, tired and wondering what to wear. This week is the start of my official Christmas parties - I've my work one on Friday (a local dinner), one with the Marrickvillains on Sunday and some other event every other night this week. I suspect up until late January (post Vanuatu holiday, hurrah!) my holiday projects will all have to be on hold.

All except this one! Finally, after banging on for 18 months about wanting a wee garden, I have finally pulled out my (green) thumb. Last weekend at the markets we came across a herb seller, and really there was no excuse but to invest. I picked out some window boxes and up they went!

They make my rather prison like house a bit more homely...or maybe they just emphasise the bars! (incidentally I am delighted that it's prison like. I am super terrified of being kidnapped - because of my fabulous wealth and influence, you know - and this way I feel a bit more secure about miscellaneous Marrickville thugs breaking in.)

I've gone with tarragon, parsley, thyme, two lots of basil and rosemary. I actually get no sun whatsoever on my stoop (word on the street is herbs are all about the sun) but so far and no deaths (touch wood). I rather fancy myself quite the Jamie Durie. I'm not entirely sure this counts as a reno but it's definitely home improvement (until said Marrickville thugs snack on them all out of frustration at my impenetrable fortress).

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