Although I've known Mel a million years, and we have mutual friends, we don't really have the same crew. Having said that I know nearly all of her mates, which made the party perfect - no awkward 'get to know you' ones, but I see them so rarely that when I do, there is always oodles to talk about. The perfect party. Drinks, chats, laid back eats, a late night game of bingo, and realising the sun is about to come up as you pedal your sorry arse home! Here's her cake (please note Sexy Steve, who shortly after suffered third degree burns to his left hand side, in the middle of the cake):
And Mel, after blowing out said cake:
As you can imagine then, this morning (well, later this morning!) I wasn't as fresh as a daisy. Got a message from my mate Loz early in the day - we'd planned to catch up - and I could have sworn that I replied, in that crazy state between awake and asleep. Apparently I didn't. I also seem to recall hearing lots of people turn up to the dude upstairs' place, and if that actually happened, it was his 29th birthday today and he seemed to have quite the early morning get together! But who can say.
Instead, me, Jacs and a wee bit later on Loz headed into the Botanic Gardens, where we wiled (I actually just checked spelling on that one!) the day away. FINALLY - a platter and some pop!
Admittedly poorly photographed, and outside, but delicious nonetheless. Sunny day, Sydney harbour, good mates, three types of vino, the weekend papers - what more could a girl desire?
Loz, catching some sun!
We stopped for a cheeky cocktail at the Opera Bar on the way home (I had 'An Apple A Day'. Try telling me that's not a health drink!) and I'm now relaxing at home after eating a surprisingly good fridgey tuna bake.
Hurrah for weekends!
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