So have spent my time doing lovely weekend things. Went to yum cha with my ex yesterday (which sounds like it could be frightful, given that it's a relatively recent breakup but I'd do much less pleasant things for yum cha). Then I went to a very amusing 30th last night - the Yellow Wiggle's! I went to school with Sam, who became a Wiggle when the former Yellow Skivvy had to leave due to illness. I'd not seen Sam in twelve years, and promised myself that I would not, under any circumstances, do the Wiggles Fingers, make gags about Dorothy the Dinosaur or sing Hot Potato, Hot Potato (or is it Mashed Potato? I'm not sure). Needless to say my resolve only held out for half a pink champagne, and he took it very charmingly even though my attempts at Wiggle humour were pitiful and unoriginal to say the least!
Today has been a bit of a cook fest. I made another batch of hot cross buns...but possibly due to my hangover I really buggered them up. Baking has never been much of a strength. I can make an enticing entree, a mean main, a delicious dessert...but bloody baking! How I wish people would say that I have 'a light hand'...but let's face it - I don't. My lovely friend Jacs came over, all anticipation, for tea and freshly baked buns. I felt like a fabulous and effortless hostess - until they came out the oven and were more like a primary school kid's art project than a culinary delight. We both struggled one down (see how dedicated to the 'one bun a day' project I am? I may not be a baker but neither am I a quitter!) and felt ill for the rest of the afternoon. They have since been, unceremoniously, dumped in the bin. Here is a picture of the Rock Cross Buns (and incidentally, isn't my wee milk jug just a darling?!):
The other project I had this weekend was to make chicken stock from scratch as I've never done it before, and those who have rave about it. This was as delightful as the hotties were horrendous. Chucked it all on the stove and let it simmer away all day, making my house smell chickeny and soothing. Perfect for the hangover I've been nursing! Here it is - in this picture the gross fat hasn't been skimmed yet (it's currently in the fridge, setting - ugh - as mum reckons that's the easiest way to get rid of it).
The other thing I have waiting to be cooked is a bunch of samosas. I'm off to the moonlight cinema this evening for a friend's farewell (screening of Donnie Darko) so I made some samosas that Jim (the guy leaving, he's off to Darwin for 6 months) (EVERYBODY is going to Darwin. It's so hot right now) and I learned to make at an Indian Vegetarian Banquet cooking class we did together several years ago. They've not been cooked yet - I did the filling, made the pastry, shaped them and made the yogurt sauce but I'll only cook them right before I go so they're still crispy and warm. I just chucked a bottle of vino in the freezer as well (stupid hangover making me forget to chill wine) so I am well prepared!
Oh here we go - a bit of extra time and here's the pic. It all looks rather white and gross for a food selection, however I ate a cheeky tester one and the insides are tops - carrot, peas, capsicum, spuds, onion and of course lots of tasty spices - so they don't really look bland at all!
After posting this I've given myself a pat on the back for learning how to place photos! Hurrah! Cut and paste. It was that simple. Ah technology.
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