I have a funny feeling this shot is going to be be published sideways. I've mastered basic uploading (but only directly from my camera) but I've not the foggiest how to twist it about. Besides, the camera battery just died, so there's little I can do anyway!
As you can see day 3 on the hotties is going quite well. Breakfast, today. With a disgraceful amount of butter, but then I adore butter. I also made myself a chai tea with a mixture my mum gave me a while back. You heat the milk, put on some of the spice / tea mix and simmer it a while. I think this would be better with more flavour. I also don't love hot drinks and am a bit over it already! My mate Mel used to work in a cafe in Dublin and she made the most delicious chai lattes (I don't think they were in any way authentic; they were spicy and sweet and frothy and delicious and I've never tasted anything like them since. Certainly the one I'm drinking now is a poor cousin of those delicious treats).
I've a half day today, and Monday off, so looking forward to a lovely extra long weekend. Going to the dentist this afternoon, just for a clean (so my fangs are in prime health to continue munching my hot cross buns!).
Now off to work, and to make a Very Happy Birthday phone call to my friend Phil, who has joined the coolest club in town today by turning 30 (and by coolest, I mean the lamest, oldest and worst ever!).
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