Thursday, August 14, 2008

MSW (Master for Special Wendy)

Sesame Street was originally a social development project intended to shorten the gap in education between under priviledged American (primarily Latin- and African-American) children by giving them easy access to some of the early education (a-b-c and 1-2-3) they were not accessing otherwise. It didn't really work in terms of its original target - just as many priviledged children watched it and subsequently the gap never closed. As a TV show though obviously it was wildly successful.

(This was the fact that interested me most in a reading I did last night on international economic development in third world countries. The paper outlined a range of economic theories, each attempting to give a different persepctive on how international financial aid could be combined with local labour and social capital to support communities to become self sufficient through empowerment. I am clearly a low brow buffoon).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may be a low brow buffoon, but I obviously have the mind of a Garry Larson dog... that all turned into "blah blah blah" after the first three words :o)